Understanding your area of compliance

Your Compliance Overview

Your compliance area comprises three core areas:

1. Dashboard

2. Compliance Requirements

3. Outstanding Actions

Your Dashboard

This is where you will see your overall compliance score based on the requirements answered so far. For example, if you have answered 50 questions so far, and marked yourself as meeting 25 requirements but 25 requirements are so far unmet, your current compliance score will be set at 50%.

Your Compliance Requirements

Compliance Monitor allows you to track your school’s compliance against essential requirements and regulations overseen by Education and regulatory bodies such as the DfE, Information Commissioner’s Office and the Health & Safety Executive.

Compliance requirements are grouped under the following sections:

 - COVID 19 - Safety

 - Safeguarding

 - School Policies & Documents

 - The School Website 

 - Reporting Requirements 

 - Data protection

 - Health and Safety


Your Outstanding Actions

Here you will find the actions you are yet to take to become 100% compliant. A more detailed version can be found in your ‘Action plan’, where you can assign tasks to colleagues, set deadlines and take action using TheSchoolBus guidance and model documents.