The list below explains what access each user has.
• Standard users
Who have regular access to TheSchoolBus and all the resources.
• User managers
Who have the same access to the service as standard users but can also add other users - allowing you to delegate whole-school set-up to a colleague.
• Compliance Managers (for Policy Manager as per below)
These are the users that would take responsibility for uploading and managing policies/documents. We recommend a small amount of Compliance Managers.
• Master user
Who can add users, and control the school account.
As the master user, it is initially your role to create accounts for additional users of the service. So, get started by adding your SLT and chair of governors as user managers. Then, ask these user managers to set up accounts for middle leaders, governors and teachers.
To add users simply click the 'person' icon in the top right corner of your screen and select 'Manage Users' from the drop down menu. You will then have the option to add users individually by selecting 'create new user' or alternatively you can upload multiple users by selecting 'bulk import users' and following the on screen instructions. Click here to watch a short video to managing your users
Master users can also see 'my school's learning' within Compliance Coach, so they can see each users progress on the courses they have taken in Compliance Coach.
Policy Manager
There are three separate user roles on Compliance Manager:
• Document manager
Responsible for the creation and maintenance of a document - document managers must be set up as Compliance Managers to access this role
• Approval team
Who are delegated approval responsibility during a document's set up
• Reading team
Who need to acknowledge their understanding of your school's documents